Design news: coffee packaging design
Package design


Lac­on­ic el­eg­ance in a cof­fee pack­age

Ana­grama stu­dio de­sign­ers have de­veloped a brand for a loc­al cof­fee pro­du­cer, fam­ous for its tra­di­tion of pro­duc­tion and the search for per­fect fla­vor com­bin­a­tions. The aim of the stu­dio was to cre­ate a name and brand that com­ple­ment the qual­ity of the product and cre­ate ad­ded value in the eyes of con­sumers.

Brand buildingProduct packaging designGraphic packaging design

The name "Satchels" comes from the name of the clas­sic Eng­lish suit­case. The ty­po­graph­ic design and lay­out are in­spired by travel es­sen­tials such as train tick­ets and pass­ports.

Packaging and label designNamingCompany logo design

The graph­ic sign is an ab­stract styl­iz­a­tion of the cof­fee fil­tra­tion sys­tem and, with its ex­press­ive draw­ing, adds el­eg­ance to the brand, while the grace­ful font of the clas­sic an­tique cre­ates a hol­ist­ic im­pres­sion. The sign per­fectly com­ple­ments the branded mer­chand­ise: cups, cof­fee pots, boxes and bags. It also looks or­gan­ic in the design of cor­por­ate print­ing.

The col­or palette is in­spired by the facades of clas­sic Eng­lish cof­fee houses, us­ing nat­ur­al ma­ter­i­als and dis­creet col­ors. Bright or­ange ac­cents add an­im­a­tion to the over­all col­or of the iden­tity. The in­form­a­tion on the pack­aging is presen­ted in a clear, util­it­ari­an style that con­trib­utes to its easy per­cep­tion.

Package designLabel designPackaging and label design

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