About design studio
Design Services

Supremum Design

We are fans of our busi­ness and sin­cerely love what we do. Our spe­cial­iz­a­tion and spe­cial af­fec­tion is the design of al­co­hol­ic bever­ages la­bels, since this area al­lows us to com­bine clearly set busi­ness goals and mar­ket­ing ob­ject­ives with in­ter­est­ing meta­phors, vivid visu­al im­ages, rev­er­ent at­ti­tude to type, fili­gree ap­proach to pol­ish­ing all design ele­ments and de­tails.

Advertising design

By contacting our design studio, you get:

  1. European qual­ity at the level of lead­ing brand­ing agen­cies for a sig­ni­fic­antly lower budget

  2. The au­thor's ap­proach to project de­vel­op­ment and a suf­fi­cient num­ber of op­tions for you to make an in­formed choice

  3. Re­quired num­ber of im­prove­ments to achieve the best res­ult

  4. Short terms of work ex­e­cu­tion (from 7 days) while main­tain­ing high qual­ity of the fi­nal res­ult

  5. Re­cog­niz­able iden­ti­fic­a­tion of a product or ser­vice that will lead to con­sumer con­fid­ence and, as a res­ult, in­creased sales

First persons

Employees at Supremum Design

Georgy Vinogradov

Managing Director

A born lead­er cap­able of solv­ing any prob­lem and en­sur­ing well-co­ordin­ated, co­hes­ive work of the team.

Employees at Supremum Design

Marina Shtukareva

Creative Director

A tal­en­ted in­spirer with Rus­si­an and Brit­ish spe­cial­ized edu­ca­tion. She has many years of ex­per­i­ence in lead­ing brand­ing agen­cies, in­clud­ing De­pot WPF and Soldis Com­mu­nic­a­tions.

Employees at Supremum Design

Alexander Shtukarev

Strategic Director

A thought­ful and ra­tion­al lead­er who cal­cu­lates the situ­ation sev­er­al moves ahead. Op­tim­ally bal­ances team cre­ativ­ity.

Our mission

We do not get stuck in one area and with the same in­terest we work on the pack­aging design for the en­tire FM­CG seg­ment. We have ex­tens­ive ex­per­i­ence in cor­por­ate brand­ing, de­vel­op­ment of cor­por­ate styles of vari­ous sizes, cre­ation of ca­pa­cious guidelines and brand books. Our port­fo­lio on the site con­tains ex­cel­lent ex­amples of la­bel and pack­aging design, de­vel­op­ment of lo­gos and iden­tity, print­ing of vari­ous com­plex­ity, work in the field of web design.

Call us: +7 (495) 647-99-45 and +7 (903) 009-35-99

or write to us: info@supremumdesign.com, to find out more pre­cisely the cost of design de­vel­op­ment and the tim­ing of work on your project.