Website design development - Website design | Moscow
Website design development

Formulation of the problem

Website design development

Project description

The site design for a Renault car deal­er is de­signed in the com­pany's cor­por­ate col­ors. The struc­ture of the page has clear di­vi­sions, and the main em­phas­is is on pho­to­graphs of cars. The cus­tom menu is as func­tion­al and un­ob­trus­ive as pos­sible. Yel­low col­or al­lows you to fo­cus the at­ten­tion of a po­ten­tial buy­er. Sep­ar­ately, an ad­di­tion­al menu is high­lighted, in which the cata­log of sold mod­els is presen­ted. The texts of ad­vert­ising of­fers are placed both on the pho­to­graphs them­selves and in bright text blocks. Part of the news from the com­pany with sea­son­al pro­mo­tions is on the main page and com­ple­ments the slider in­form­a­tion.

Website design
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