Packaging Design - Soap Packaging Design | Moscow
Packaging design

Formulation of the problem

Packaging design

Project description

When de­vel­op­ing the pack­aging of li­quid soap and shower gels, the task was to cre­ate the most vivid and at­tract­ive im­age. It was ne­ces­sary to solve the prob­lem with the vis­ib­il­ity of pack­aging on the lower shelves of shop­ping cen­ters. The product is aimed at a wide audi­ence: wo­men aged 25 to 50 years, hav­ing an in­come level be­low the av­er­age. The cre­ated pack­aging design meets the task as much as pos­sible: it is bright, has large areas of fairly large, eye-catch­ing im­ages col­lec­ted in spec­tac­u­lar com­pos­i­tions. Pure col­or di­ag­on­al stripes help to fo­cus on brand and in­form­a­tion. The design has the po­ten­tial for trans­form­a­tion, which al­lows you to cre­ate a series of three presen­ted in the sale of aromas.

Package designBrand creationBrand developmentCreate packaging
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