Packaging design - Coffee packaging design | Moscow
Packaging design

Formulation of the problem

Packaging design

Project description

When de­vel­op­ing the concept for packs of ground cof­fee, spe­cial at­ten­tion was paid to the need to cre­ate con­trast­ing com­bin­a­tions in the design that provide bet­ter vis­ib­il­ity on the shelf. But there was also a task with the help of soft col­ors to con­vey feel­ings about the taste of the product. The main com­pos­i­tion­al solu­tion in pack­aging design is sub­ject to the smooth forms already em­bed­ded in the brand logo it­self. The choice of a dy­nam­ic font to in­dic­ate the ap­pear­ance in the line gives the im­age fresh­ness and en­ergy in­her­ent in a cof­fee drink. Black and white pho­to­graphs of urb­an pan­or­a­mas play the role of visu­al iden­ti­fi­ers of tastes as­so­ci­ated with the at­mo­sphere of these cit­ies.

Packaging developmentPackaging designProduct packaging designNew packaging design
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