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Formulation of the problem

Project description

Ice cream brand­ing work was car­ried out by our stu­dio from scratch. First, based on the ana­lys­is of the mar­ket and the tar­get audi­ence, the brand plat­form was de­veloped, and then the name and slo­gan were de­veloped. The cre­ated nam­ing, to­geth­er with the brand plat­form, in­flu­enced the de­vel­op­ment of visu­al con­cepts for pack­aging design and the choice of the fi­nal design solu­tion. The res­ult is an im­age of an ex­quis­ite dessert with un­usu­al and soph­ist­ic­ated fla­vor com­bin­a­tions, visu­ally rep­res­en­ted by styl­ish ice cream food com­pos­i­tions. In or­der to em­phas­ize the im­age of the brand with its re­fine­ment and soph­ist­ic­a­tion, a range of dark deep shades was chosen when de­vel­op­ing the pack­aging design. The clas­sic com­pos­i­tion of the logo and text in­form­a­tion is built around the cent­ral ax­is, which cre­ates a feel­ing of noble re­straint and el­eg­ance. An eye-catch­ing cal­li­graph­ic font made with a poin­ted pen was chosen to rep­res­ent the fla­vors of the ice cream. The font solu­tion of the logo with ac­tu­al graph­ics of let­ters is in­ten­ded to some­what soften the feel­ing of some rig­or, and the vig­or­ous hand­writ­ten sig­na­ture at the bot­tom of the text block is in­ten­ded to con­firm the ex­cep­tion­al qual­ity of the product. The darkened or­na­ment in the back­ground adds a touch of dy­nam­ism and plays along with the logo graph­ics. A small hall­mark, which in­dic­ates the use of or­gan­ic in­gredi­ents in the pro­duc­tion of ice cream, is solved in a pe­cu­li­ar or­na­ment­al style, which is in har­mony with the over­all visu­al im­age of the pack­age.

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