Coffee packaging design - Packaging design | Inexpensive
Package design

Formulation of the problem

Package design

Project description

The pack­aging design for Brazili­an cof­fee is de­signed to con­vey the rich­ness of un­touched nature, the at­mo­sphere of cof­fee plant­a­tions sur­roun­ded by trop­ic­al forests with the mys­ter­i­ous, al­most mys­tic­al life of their many in­hab­it­ants. The graph­ics around the print-styled logo cre­ate a rich dec­or­at­ive am­bi­ance. The deep cool green col­or of the pack­aging back­ground sets off the shim­mer­ing metal­lic col­or of the il­lus­tra­tions that dif­fer­en­ti­ate the cof­fee blends. The clas­sic cent­ral stable com­pos­i­tion gath­ers all design ele­ments in­to a single im­age. The con­trast between the light graph­ics and the dark back­ground helps the pack­aging stand out on the store shelf, at­tract­ing the cus­tom­er and help­ing them make a choice in fa­vor of a new cof­fee brand.

Packaging design developmentNew packaging designBrand developmentProduct packaging designPackaging developmentCoffee packagingBrand building
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