Design news: elements of corporate identity in 2018
Creation of corporate identity


Sig­na­ture font in­spired by vin­tage sig­nage

Em­bla is a wine bar loc­ated in cent­ral Mel­bourne. The cre­ation of a com­pre­hens­ive cor­por­ate iden­tity was com­mis­sioned by the Aus­trali­an stu­dio A Friend of Mine. Tak­ing in­to ac­count the spe­cif­ics of "Em­bla" and the ex­pect­a­tions of vis­it­ors, the de­sign­ers of the stu­dio de­cided to cre­ate an iden­tity based on a hand-drawn font, de­veloped spe­cific­ally for this oc­ca­sion. The let­ter­ing was in­spired by the vin­tage signs next to the bar. The work car­ried out al­lowed the Em­bla bar to win the an­nu­al Wine Bar of the Year award.

Corporate fontCreation of corporate identityCorporate identity designIdentityCorporate style font

Us­ing the cor­por­ate font, the de­sign­ers of the stu­dio cre­ated a sign­board, menus, busi­ness cards, un­ob­trus­ively branded dishes, a web­site, a mo­bile ap­plic­a­tion, and ad­vert­ising posters con­tain­ing key mes­sages for po­ten­tial vis­it­ors. The sim­pli­city and demo­crat­ic char­ac­ter of the font graph­ics, the texts writ­ten in a col­lo­qui­al style, as well as the del­ic­ate green col­or chosen as the cor­por­ate col­or - all this helped to cre­ate an at­mo­sphere that per­fectly matches the concept of the Em­bla bar.

Brand identityCreation of corporate identityCorporate identity designCorporate style fontCorporate identity design

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