Logo design - Corporate logo | Supremum Design
Logo design

Formulation of the problem

Logo design

Project description

For the cor­por­ate logo of the store of op­tic­al in­stru­ments, a sign was cre­ated, with its graph­ics re­sem­bling both the or­bits of ro­ta­tion of ce­les­ti­al bod­ies and op­tic­al lenses in a tele­scope. The de­veloped logo design turned out to be ex­press­ive and ca­pa­cious, with the ef­fect of stopped move­ment. It is easy to re­mem­ber and gives an idea of the store's product: tele­scopes for am­a­teur ob­serving the night sky. The cor­por­ate block, con­sist­ing of a sign, a font logo and a sig­na­ture, has two lay­out op­tions: ver­tic­al and ho­ri­zont­al, for op­tim­al place­ment on all ne­ces­sary ad­vert­ising and im­age ma­ter­i­als. The type logo is de­veloped from let­ters of a lac­on­ic and mod­ern style with the in­tro­duc­tion of in­di­vidu­al­iz­a­tion in­to their draw­ing so that the logo and sign are per­ceived as a whole and uni­form. The pos­sib­il­ity of us­ing a full-col­or and one-col­or ver­sion of the sign is also provided, which gives more op­por­tun­it­ies in the man­u­fac­ture of souven­ir products with the store's logo.

Corporate logo Logo creationOrder a logo
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