Logo design - Order a logo | Moscow
Logo development

Formulation of the problem

Logo development

Project description

The design of the logo for Green­Bay Spa was car­ried out with the aim of cre­at­ing a bright and ex­press­ive graph­ic sign that com­bines ref­er­ences to trop­ic­al nature and at the same time sym­bol­izes the mys­ter­i­ous at­mo­sphere of the In­done­sian is­lands. The se­lec­ted range with col­ors flow­ing in­to one an­oth­er refers to the im­ages of the sea and exot­ic ve­get­a­tion, em­phas­izes the nat­ur­al plas­ti­city of the ele­ments that make up the sign. The logo looks equally ef­fect­ive when sur­roun­ded by light col­ors, as well as on dens­er and bright­er, as well as dark col­ors. Des­pite the fact that the sign con­sists of many ele­ments con­nec­ted in­to a single whole, it works well both on small me­dia and at high mag­ni­fic­a­tion. The main com­pos­i­tion of a brand block, con­sist­ing of a sign, a logo and a descriptor, has a cent­ric ax­is, but the block can also be eas­ily aligned in a ho­ri­zont­al axi­al ref­er­ence. A mem­or­able graph­ic logo dis­tin­guishes Green­Bay Spa in a highly com­pet­it­ive mar­ket and serves as an ad­di­tion­al reas­on for the loy­alty of nu­mer­ous cus­tom­ers.

Corporate logo Logo designLogo and corporate identityOrder logo moscow
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