Label Design - Wine Bottle Label | To order
Label design

Formulation of the problem

Label design

Project description

For the design of the wine la­bel with the name "Star­gazer" a simple and per­fect in its com­plete­ness circle shape was chosen. The dark back­ground and in­ter­sect­ing arcs, high­lighted by foil stamp­ing and lac­quer, show styl­ized or­bits of stars in the firm­a­ment. As a dec­or­at­ive ele­ment, a col­or­less em­boss­ing ef­fect has also been ad­ded to the la­bel, which brings out the tex­ture of the pa­per and gives in­ter­est­ing in­ter­sec­tions with the rest of the design. The grape vari­et­ies are high­lighted us­ing a col­or code that can be ex­pan­ded: Mal­bec is as­signed a blue-vi­ol­et shade, while Syrah is as­signed a dark tur­quoise shade. The logo con­tains ref­er­ences to the as­tro­nom­ic­al theme, it is full of re­strained dy­nam­ics while main­tain­ing the el­eg­ance of the im­age as a whole, which is ne­ces­sary when dec­or­at­ing a noble wine.

Wine bottle labelBeautiful labelsLabel designBest LabelsCreate a labelWine labelWine labelsLabel development
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