Label Design - Brand Development | Order cheap
Label design

Formulation of the problem

Label design

Project description

When cre­at­ing a brand for smooth­ies, the po­s­i­tion­ing was quite nat­ur­ally based on the idea of nat­ur­al­ness and or­gan­ic pur­ity of the in­gredi­ents from which the product is made. Ad­di­tion­al mean­ings in­ves­ted in po­s­i­tion­ing: joy of life and en­joy­ment of taste, tech­no­lo­gic­al ex­cel­lence in­her­ent in the pro­duc­tion of nat­ur­al food and the memory of the tra­di­tions of mak­ing healthy drinks - made up a unique im­age of the Or­gan­ico brand. All com­pon­ents of the brand were har­mo­ni­ously re­flec­ted in the design of the la­bel. Mod­ern­ity and man­u­fac­tur­ab­il­ity are con­veyed through an un­usu­al ver­tic­al "chess" com­pos­i­tion. The tra­di­tion of or­gan­ic pro­duc­tion is high­lighted in the man­u­fac­turer's logo with its her­ald­ic sym­bols. Large areas of pho­to­graph­ic im­ages of ber­ries and fruits in­dic­ate the nat­ur­al­ness of the product. The en­ergy and joy of life is ex­pressed in the gen­er­al col­or scheme and bright col­ors of the tin­ted plastic of the bottles them­selves.

Label developmentBrand developmentBrand building
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