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Formulation of the problem

Label design

While de­vel­op­ing the concept of sun­flower oil la­bel re­design, we tried to pre­serve as much as pos­sible all the main ele­ments of the brand and their com­pos­i­tion­al ar­range­ment. The up­date touched the let­ters of the logo and gave them more mod­ern­ity and plastic con­sist­ency with each oth­er, which had a pos­it­ive im­pact on the in­teg­rity of the brand's per­cep­tion. The oval shell un­der the logo has ac­quired a more el­eg­ant and lac­on­ic out­line, and the drop has a clear geo­met­ric ap­pear­ance. A slo­gan area has been ad­ded above the logo, high­light­ing the move­ment that was ori­gin­ally con­ceived in the la­bel design. The main in­form­a­tion is high­lighted with a more con­trast­ing col­or zone. Nearby is a small area in­dic­at­ing the type of oil. A land­scape with a field of sun­flowers was ad­ded to the back­ground, tin­ted in the main col­or in­her­ent in each type of oil. The ba­sic col­or cod­ing, ad­op­ted earli­er, has been re­tained for the con­veni­ence of buy­ers when nav­ig­at­ing the brand's products.

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