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Formulation of the problem

Label design

Inverey is an ex­quis­ite bar­rel-aged Scot­tish gin that em­bod­ies the col­or­ful im­age of a rugged High­land coun­try. When cre­at­ing the im­age of the drink, we de­cided not to use tra­di­tion­al tartan in the la­bel design, but cre­ated an ordered struc­ture of in­ter­twin­ing circles and high­lighted rhom­buses, four-poin­ted stars and dots formed by their in­ter­sec­tion in the design. When de­vel­op­ing the la­bel, the un­usu­al shape of the cut­ting played an im­port­ant role: with the over­all clas­sic rect­an­gu­lar shape, the cent­ral part in the form of a circle is loc­ated off­set re­l­at­ive to the cir­cu­lar slot. The circle as the main ele­ment of the la­bel sym­bol­izes per­fec­tion, unity and in­teg­rity, both in a meta­phys­ic­al rep­res­ent­a­tion and in re­flect­ing the bal­anced, noble taste of the drink. The three gins, each ma­tured in spe­cial casks to give them unique fla­vor and aroma prop­er­ties, are dif­fer­en­ti­ated by a col­or code con­sist­ing of a com­bin­a­tion of dark and bright shades from dif­fer­ent groups. The design of the la­bel is greatly en­riched by the use of sil­ver and gold foil stamp­ing. Paired with the la­bel is an im­press­ively de­tailed, or­na­men­ted neck­lace, but with a more lac­on­ic design. The en­tire im­age of the bottle is com­pleted by an oak trapezoid­al stop­per.

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