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Formulation of the problem

Label design

«Han­bury Woo­dend» is a brand of nat­ur­al juices and nec­tars from Eng­land, in the pro­duc­tion of which only or­gan­ic fruits, ve­get­ables and ber­ries are used. A calm clas­sic­al style was chosen for the la­bel design of the line of nat­ur­al nec­tars. The bal­anced cent­ral com­pos­i­tion of the la­bel, on the ax­is of which all design ele­ments are lined up, gives the main place to the brand logo. The sign in the form of a her­ald­ic fig­ure is ad­di­tion­ally in­volved in identi­fy­ing the type of product, since it has the same ba­sic col­or that is in­her­ent in each of the nec­tar fla­vors. A small em­phas­is on the paint­ing, made by em­boss­ing with gold foil, gives the product the ne­ces­sary premi­um qual­ity and em­phas­izes with what care and an ex­pert ap­proach to qual­ity in gen­er­al, juices and nec­tars are pro­duced. In the back­ground of the la­bel, in the form of a back­ground im­age, there are rather large en­grav­ing il­lus­tra­tions ap­plied in a light tone of print­ing ink. This solu­tion al­lows the il­lus­tra­tion not to in­ter­fere with the read­ing of in­form­a­tion loc­ated in the fore­ground of the design. Such a double ap­proach to la­bel or­gan­iz­a­tion, com­bined with bright col­ors and a lac­on­ic wave-like pat­tern on the bot­tom plate, gives the visu­al im­age of the brand the ne­ces­sary pro­por­tion of con­tem­por­ary mod­ern­ity and con­trib­utes to the ex­pan­sion of the tar­get audi­ence.

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