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Formulation of the problem

Label design

To cre­ate the im­age of the “Fleurs.Wnr” wine line, we used mo­tiv­at­ing words call­ing to try the unique taste of the drink and ex­per­i­ence the emo­tions in­spired by the calls “Dream! sense! Ad­mire! En­joy! The visu­al com­pon­ent of the la­bel design is based on mod­ern paint­ings de­pict­ing styl­ized flowers that em­body the dy­nam­ics of de­vel­op­ment, beauty and joy of life. The chosen col­or palette, on the con­trary, is largely re­strained, con­du­cive to un­hur­ried con­tem­pla­tion and en­joy­ment of the ex­quis­ite taste of wine. Each of the motto words is spe­cially di­vided in­to two lines, one un­der the oth­er, to cre­ate in­trigue and in­volve the buy­er in solv­ing this easy "re­bus". This made it pos­sible to im­prove the mem­or­ab­il­ity of the visu­al im­age of the la­bel as a whole. The name of the grape vari­ety from which the drink is pro­duced is typed in white, which stands out against a dark back­ground, which al­lows the buy­er to eas­ily make a choice in ac­cord­ance with their pref­er­ences. And small ele­ments of sil­ver foil stamp­ing cre­ate a slight shim­mer, which is also able to at­tract the at­ten­tion of the con­sumer, while broad­cast­ing an im­age of re­fined and del­ic­ate taste.

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