Label Design - Custom Label Design
Label design

Formulation of the problem

Label design

Project description

The concept of la­bel of canned food "Даровое" refers to Rus­si­an tra­di­tions and crafts, em­body­ing the im­age of a de­li­cious homemade meal. The design of la­bels for jam, jam, sauce and honey is filled with the warmth of the house, ex­pressed in tra­di­tion­al or­na­ment. Bright col­ors on a light back­ground are de­signed to cre­ate a pos­it­ive im­age and high­light each spe­cif­ic product in the lineup. For the dif­fer­en­ti­ation of tastes, frag­ment­ary pho­to­graphs as­so­ci­ated with the col­or range of the la­bel are ap­plied, which gives the pack­age its in­teg­rity and at­tract­ive­ness.

Funny labelsLabel designCreate labelsLabel development Create a labelJam designMake a label designLabel design developmentBest LabelsCreate labelBeautiful labels

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