Label design - Wine label | Order inexpensively
Label design

Formulation of the problem

Label design

Project description

To de­vel­op the design of the lim­ited edi­tion Chi­maera wines, cre­ated ex­clus­ively us­ing tra­di­tion­al wine­mak­ing tech­no­lo­gies in the coastal re­gion of Spain, we were in­spired by the mys­tery of the un­der­wa­ter world and the le­gends of mar­ine life. The lac­on­ic design of the la­bel with the ex­press­ive im­age of a myth­ic­al sea creature is bal­anced by a calm font logo, above which the winery’s coat of arms is placed. Strict black and white graph­ics are di­luted with small col­or ac­cents, which play the role of dif­fer­en­ti­at­ing the type of wine. For each type of wine, an in­di­vidu­al geo­met­ric pat­tern is also se­lec­ted, ap­plied to the la­bel us­ing blind em­boss­ing. The bot­tom part of the la­bel is lac­on­ic black, in con­trast to the main white space of the la­bel, which, in con­trast between light and dark, cre­ates a more at­tract­ive and in­triguing im­age of the drink

Label developmentBeautiful labelsCreating LabelsBottle labelWine labelLabel designWine labelsBottle labelOrder a label designCreate a label
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