Wine Label - Custom Label Design | Supremum Design
Wine label

Formulation of the problem

Label design

Project description

The la­bel for «Château du Mat­in» white and rosé wines is de­signed in a calm clas­sic style. The main space was chosen in white with barely vis­ible en­grav­ing and a strict cent­ral com­pos­i­tion of the ele­ments. It goes well with a small bot­tom la­bel for ad­di­tion­al in­form­a­tion. A dark­er back­ground with a Goth­ic pat­tern helps to identi­fy each type of drink, such a move has great po­ten­tial for de­vel­op­ing la­bel design in case of ex­pan­sion of the product line. An ex­press­ive ac­cent in the design is cre­ated with the help of a font, an el­eg­ant cal­li­graph­ic draw­ing, which typed the names of grape vari­et­ies, and a logo styl­ized as an old coat of arms.

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