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Formulation of the problem

Label design

When cre­at­ing the la­bel design for Alsager gin, the clas­sic style of the Vic­tori­an era was passed through the prism of mod­ern trends. A mari­time theme was chosen to re­veal the im­age of the brand. The ex­press­ive font logo "Alsager" with its char­ac­ter and plas­ti­city com­ple­ments the ori­gin­al­ity of design solu­tions and be­comes an im­port­ant dom­in­ant in the com­pos­i­tion. The dark tur­quoise col­or gives the im­pres­sion of deep ocean, and the im­ages of sea mol­lusk shells dif­fer de­pend­ing on the type of gin. The main task of dif­fer­en­ti­ation in the as­sort­ment of the brand lies in the right col­or scheme, which al­lows the buy­er to eas­ily make a choice with­in the product line. Ad­di­tion­al in­form­a­tion about the drink is col­lec­ted in the bot­tom zone of the la­bel, and the back­ground col­or is in­volved in dif­fer­en­ti­ation for the con­veni­ence of the buy­er and at­tracts at­ten­tion on the shelf.

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