Creation of corporate identity - Development of corporate identity to order
Creation of corporate identity

Formulation of the problem

Creation of corporate identity

Project description

Our design stu­dio un­der­took to cre­ate a cor­por­ate iden­tity for the fur­niture com­pany "Bau­flat". As con­ceived by the de­sign­ers, it should be eas­ily modi­fi­able and as­so­ci­ated with the style of the Ger­man design school Bauhaus. The de­veloped logo, with its lac­on­ic rig­or and ra­tion­al­ity, is not devoid of ex­press­ive col­or ac­cents. The cor­por­ate iden­tity, the prin­ciple of which is based on vari­ous com­bin­a­tions of di­vid­ing planes by squares, is built around the cre­ated logo and has the max­im­um de­gree of free­dom of ap­plic­a­tion on vari­ous me­dia, while re­main­ing, at the same time, a re­cog­niz­able brand iden­ti­fi­er. The basis of the photo style used in the design of ad­vert­ise­ments and im­age me­dia is set by fil­ter­ing im­ages in a cold gray scale, which helps to achieve a strict and ac­cur­ate im­age of a man­u­fac­turer of mod­ern and el­eg­ant fur­niture. Quotes from fam­ous de­sign­ers and ar­chi­tects, ap­plied with­in a giv­en style, also work on the im­age of the brand, in a pe­cu­li­ar way as­so­ci­at­ing its products with the best design ex­amples.

Development of corporate identityCorporate identity of the companyElements of corporate identityLogo and corporate identityCorporate identity designBrand identityCorporate identityCorporate identity of the enterpriseCorporate identity of the organization
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