Website design creation - Website design | Redesign
Website design creation

Formulation of the problem

Website design creation

Project description

The design of the on­line cof­fee shop is de­signed in noble dark col­ors, which should be as­so­ci­ated with the tar­get audi­ence with a rich taste and high qual­ity of the drink. Visu­al tech­niques in the design of the site echo with the tech­niques already de­veloped when design­ing the cata­log of the com­pany «Cof­feeRi­sta». The mod­ern lay­out of the ma­ter­i­al is bal­anced with clas­sic serif fonts, and suc­cess­fully bal­ances between cur­rent trends and the tra­di­tion of con­sum­ing cof­fee bever­ages.

Website redesign
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