Website design development - Website design | Moscow
Website design moscow

Formulation of the problem

Website design development

Project description

The design of the site for the tour op­er­at­or "Big Journay" was de­veloped tak­ing, in­to ac­count the spe­cif­ics of the tour­ism busi­ness, where the main thing is to cre­ate an at­tract­ive, in­vit­ing im­age of the place of the fu­ture travel, there­fore the pho­to­graph­ic ma­ter­i­als oc­cupy the largest pos­sible area of the web page. The bright or­ange col­or helps to draw the user's at­ten­tion to the great deals, and the neut­ral gray blocks provide a con­trast­ing back­ground for in­form­a­tion­al mes­sages.

Website design development
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