Contacts - design studio Supremum Design
Supremum Design: MoscowWe are open to the whole world

Supremum Design

OGRN: 1187746795202

+7 (495) 647-99-45
+7 (903) 009-35-99



Some­times it is not easy to take the first step to­wards co­oper­a­tion, but we are ready to help you and of­fer the best solu­tion to the prob­lem based on your budget.

Our stu­dio has spe­cial of­fers when or­der­ing a logo design or pack­aging.

We value each cli­ent and guar­an­tee a thought­ful and re­spons­ible ap­proach, meet­ing dead­lines and max­im­um ded­ic­a­tion.

Dur­ing the pan­dem­ic, we, like many oth­er com­pan­ies, de­cided to aban­don the of­fice. This forced meas­ure opened up new op­por­tun­it­ies for us, and we de­cided to con­tin­ue work­ing in a new format for us.

Three advantages of leaving the office:

If your com­pany is loc­ated in Mo­scow, we can come to your meet­ing.

Our com­pany strives for new goals and opens up hitherto un­known ho­ri­zons, so we need highly qual­i­fied spe­cial­ists in the field of graph­ic design. We are look­ing for pas­sion­ate like-minded people who can be­come part of the team. Send your re­sume and port­fo­lio to the email ad­dress: